Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Let the investigations begin...

Beginning my investigation...
Is an increase in airline taxes a good idea?

How does airplanes effect the environment?
The increasing volume of jet airline traffic round the clock and around the globe which is contributing to higher concentrations of greenhouse gases in the stratosphere than in the whole atmosphere. This indicates that the increasing volumes of airplane traffic worldwide have serious environmental consequences, perhaps more serious than the ozone hole phenomenon on which the attention of the scientific community is riveted.

If taxes on airplanes increase, then people will be less likely to fly. However they will find other methods of transportation. What affect does other forms of transporation affect the environment negatively. Cars and trains for explain also have negative effects on the environment.

1 comment:

My My said...

You could also try to find out what the economic world would be like if we didn’t have airplanes? Or what if we invented other planes that don’t make he world polluted. You need to elaborate a little more on your topic.