Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The airlines reaction to an increase in taxes

The Tories A polictal group in Britian proposed to increase aviation taxes In March of 2007 as a weapon to cut greenhouse gas emissions:
-Existing air passenger duty abolished
-Airlines pay new tax aimed at dirtier engines
-Passengers pay VAT (Value added Taxes) on domestic flights
-Each passenger allowed one short-haul flight per year without the higher tax

Those who are aginst the increased tax on arilines that was proposed by the tories feel that a tax for 'climate change' should not just include the airline.
"When you tax cow farts, a greater contribution the the 0.1% air travel in the UK generates to global C02 emissions, yes 0.1% thats all! would I be willing to consider personal omissions." -unknown

British Airways said taxation “was an extremely blunt instrument in terms of reducing carbon emissions”.

Airlines lined up to attack the proposals, with Virgin insisting that the taxes would damage the economy, because they “would make airlines less competitive and shift jobs to other countries in Europe”.

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